Sunday, June 18, 2017

Just Call Me Daddy

Today is the day set aside every year to celebrate fathers.  And like all the other holidays, it is something we should celebrate every day not just one day a year. And like some other holidays, today is a hard day for many.  I have been blessed with an awesome father and I am thankful for him everyday.  But I also know what it is like to be rejected by your father.  My birth father deserted my birth mother and if I chose to focus on that, I could really feel rejected and unwanted.  But I choose to focus on the father (and mother) who chose me when I was just one month old and have loved on me ever since.  This love has shown me that blood isn't what relationships are about.

Many of you, I know, have grown up in loving homes where your fathers were always there for you and were a role model of how to be a man and what to look for in a spouse.  But I also know that just as many of you have grown up without that love and example - even when the father was in your life.  To those people, I say it's okay.  We all have a father that we can depend on - a daddy who never leaves us and is always there for us no matter what we have done or how many times we have done it.  Honestly, He knows us and loves us in a way that our earthly fathers can't.

A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows is God in His holy dwelling.”  Psalms 68:5

The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.  Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”  Deuteronomy 31:8

I hope that as you celebrate your fathers today that you will not forget to include your heavenly father who loves you more than you will ever understand.  And for those of you who aren't celebrating - maybe because your earthly father deserted you or maybe you don't even know who your earthly father is - know this.  You always have a daddy who loves you, who you can turn to in the good and the bad, and who will never leave you no matter what you do.  Find comfort and joy in that today and everyday.

Happy Father's Day to everyone who has a mentoring role in someone's life - you are special, you have a unique job and special role that only you can fulfill!!

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